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Dear Colleagues Thirty years ago our founding members did just this when they established the Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma EAST. Per the Brief History of the Founding of EAST by Drs. Cham- pion Maull Jacobs and Harris they saw a less-than-supportive environment in many teaching hospitals for fostering the development of a career in trauma and a very sparse number of surgical institu- tions and organizations that would provide an environment of con- nectivity and mentorship for young surgeons. ACSCOT AAST and WTA were the purview of established or specialty-specific surgeons and the bar for young trauma surgeon involvement was exceeding- ly high. Rather than just ask why and lament on the situation the founding members envisioned an alternative and asked why not leading to the development of EAST. EAST was conceived as a forum to develop and meet the needs and expectations of young surgeons who had aspirations for a career in traumasurgical critical care. After many discussions and negotiations placing all of their careers po- tentially in jeopardy the founding board developed and approved the Articles of Incorporation and EAST was formally established. The first EAST Annual Assembly was held in 1988 at The Colony Beach Resort in Longboat Key Florida. Attendees included 99 members and 43 guests. Our most recent annual assembly in San Antonio had more than 870 registrants and our membership has passed the 2000 mark. EAST has grown tremendously over the last near 30 years based on the dedication of the original 10 founding board members and all of the individuals who have been committed to EAST since then. Time and time again EAST members have paid it forward to EAST by tak- ing part in the organization and leading it to places that continue to astound our founding members. Message from the President 2016 ISSUE ONE Nicole A. Stassen MD FACS FCCM In This Issue There are those who looks at things the way they are and ask whyI dream of things that never were and ask why not Robert F. Kennedy Strategic Goals Continued on page 2 E A S T E R N A S S O C I A T I O N F O R T H E S U R G E R Y O F T R A U M A news 1 LEADERSHIP Prepare young surgeon to become leaders 2 DEVELOPMENT Promote unique programs for the career development of young surgical leaders 3 SCHOLARSHIP Provide education and training across the con- tinuum of acute surgical care 4 FELLOWSHIP Encourage a sense of community for personal professional growth 5 COLLABORATION Work with our stakehold- ers to advance patient care and trauma systems Community Outreach 2016 New Members Meeting Montage Social Media Management Section CTNR Advocacy Day In Memoriam Award Recipients