Tracheostomy Timing in Trauma Patients (UPDATE IN PROCESS)

Published 2009

Level 1

There is no mortality difference between patients receiving early tracheostomy (3-7 days) and late tracheostomy or extended endotracheal intubation.

Level 2

Early tracheostomy decreases the total days of mechanical ventilation and ICU LOS in patients with head injuries. Therefore, it is recommended that patients with a severe head injury receive an early tracheostomy.

Level 3

Early tracheostomy may decrease the total days of mechanical ventilation and ICU LOS in trauma patients without head injuries. Early tracheostomy may decrease the rate of pneumonia in trauma patients. Therefore, it is recommended that early tracheostomy should be considered in all trauma patients who are anticipated to require mechanical ventilation for >7 days, such as those with neurologic impairment or prolonged respiratory failure.