b'12 EAST news | 2023 Issue 1Get Involved in EASTPropose a Practice Management Guideline Practice Management Guidelines (PMGs) are an EAST signature and feature evidence-based information to increase the scientific knowledge needed to enhance patient and clinical decision- making, improve health-care quality, and promote efficiency. The EAST Guidelines Committee is looking for volunteers to help with developing new EAST PMGs and updating existing PMGs. If you are interested in volunteering, complete the Volunteer Recruitment Form.Partner with Researchers Visit the Research page for opportunities to collaborate with fellow members on research projects through the Multicenter Trials or INVEST-C programs or apply to one of the research scholarships and awards that EAST offers.Suggest an Idea for Online Education EAST is home to a variety of audio and video webinars focusing on education and career management. Have an idea for a topic or a speaker (including yourself)? Submit a proposal. Check out the EAST Traumacast and Careercast pages to learn more.Participate in the Mentoring Program EAST offers a range of mentoring programs and resources that promote the academic and personal growth of early-career trauma and acute care surgeons and guide mid-level physicians towards the next phase of their careers. EAST seeks senior and mid-career professionals to serve as mentors as well as students, residents, junior faculty, and mid-career professionals to apply as mentees. Visit the EAST Mentoring page to learn more.Network Access the Member Directory to connect with over 3,400 EAST members around the world. Make sure your profile is up to date so that your colleagues can find you, too. Remember that you can add your speaking and research interests to the Speakers Bureau and join the growing list of EAST members who speak at local, national, and international conferences. Need a speaker? Use the directory to find your next presenter.Shop EAST and support the EAST Development Fund, which supports initiatives designed to reduce the incidence of trauma and improve the care of the injured patient. Visit the EAST Shop to browse a range of EAST-branded merchandise from apparel to housewares to gifts.'