b'2 EAST news | 2021 Issue 2EAST Mission StatementMessage from the President (continued from page 1)EAST is a scientificorganization providing lead-ership and development for and old that I had in the original draft. As evidence of the strength of ouryoung surgeons active in the organization, EAST raised a little more than $106,000 thanks to the manycare of the injured patient donors. I would like to give special thanks to the leadership of Drs. Jeffrythrough interdisciplinary Nahmias and Thomas Duncan when we came up with the Trauma Centercollaboration, scholarship, Challenge idea. This is also in large part to the great work by Kinga Litwiniukand fellowship.who was the gifted staff member who worked to help reach this landmark level of donations.In closing, I really hope to see everyone in person at the 35th EAST AnnualEAST Scientific Assembly.Please be safe and thank you for all you do in caring forVision Statementour patients. I would leave you with one last foreshadowing messageGO BIG BUT. GO HOME. EAST seeks to improvecare of the injured by provid-ing a forum for the exchange Sincerely, of knowledge in the prac-tice of trauma surgery; to promote trauma prevention, research, and improvedtrauma systems design;to encourage investigationJeffrey A. Claridge, MD, MS, FACSand teaching of the methods EAST President of preventing and treating trauma; and to stimulatefuture generations of sur-geons to meet the challenge.Shop EAST and support the EAST Development Fund, which supports Shop EAST initiatives designed to reduce the incidence of trauma and improve the care of the injured patient. Visit the EAST Shop to browse a range ofEAST-branded merchandise from apparel to housewares to gifts.'