13 EAST Traumacasts Description The EAST Traumacasts are a popular “on the go” resource for trauma and acute care surgeons and allied healthcare providers involved in the care of the injured patient. Through the EAST Online Education Committee, more than 90 Traumacasts have been produced covering the most relevant topics in trauma and acute care surgery. They have become a signature offering within EAST and have established a following among the Trauma Community. Work with EAST to coordinate a supported EAST Traumacast on a subject matter related to your company’s product line or service. EAST will control the topic/content and faculty selection. Investment $5,000 Recognition Level Bronze Partner No. of Available Opportunities Up to four corporate supported Traumacasts per calendar year “ The EAST Traumacast is a great way to stay in touch with what’s happening in the field of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery. I like to listen during my commute or when I’m doing yard work. The Master Classes have also been an easy way to learn about new techniques and products.” “ The new EAST Traumacast Town Hall forums and debates have really brought a new level of analysis and discussion to areas in medicine and surgery where there are multiple options, conflicting evidence, and controversy. Hearing multiple experts talk about both sides of an issue and debate the details really gives me a broader understanding of that topic compared to listening to a static lecture.” “EAST online education helps me stay up to date on current topics in Trauma and Acute Care Surgery. Interactive Webinars allow direct contact and communication with leading experts in the field throughout the year. The online library of previous Webinars and Traumacasts is a valuable resource I return to time and time again!” DAVID S. MORRIS, MD, FACS, INTERMOUNTAIN MEDICAL CENTER MATTHEW MARTIN, MD, FACS, MADIGAN ARMY MEDICAL CENTER CARRIE VALDEZ, MD, COVENANT HEALTHCARE