9 INVESTigator Support Team Core (INVEST-C) Description Early career trauma and acute care surgeons face many barriers to the implementation and completion of research. The project may get stuck in any one of the various phases along the line from idea generation to eventual dissemination and publication of research results. This lack of progress often stymies further effort by potentially talented researchers or very good research ideas never reach their full potential because they lack the proper resources or expertise. INVEST-C provides research mentorship, research design assistance, multicenter collaborations, statistical support, and editorial services using a combination of EAST members and other resources. Support the annual EAST INVEST-C Research Hackathon where 5-10 aspiring researchers collaborate with established researchers to develop trauma and acute care surgery research ideas. Investment Minimum $10,000 Recognition Level Sliding Scale No. of Available Opportunities Multiple Next Year Available 2019 “ Programs like INVEST-C are important because they provide new and innovative ways to support young surgical scientists. We know that for a young scientist, the ability to obtain early external funding is a huge predictor of success in research. However, as an organization, how do we accomplish this other than by supporting only one person with one grant every year? INVEST-C will help to pair some of our best young minds in trauma research with some of our seasoned members who have been successful in their research careers in order to develop innovative ideas, research plans, and roadmaps to success in funding applications. In other words, we are trying to “hack” the entire early career research funding process by spending less to support more and getting a larger return on investment for our organization.” “ The EAST INVEST-C program was a real game-changer for me. This innovative program was unlike any other in that it allowed me the time and space to consider my research ideas and pathway in a supportive, collaborative and positive environment with mentors who have had success and remember the challenges of being an early faculty member. As a result of the program, I applied and was awarded my first society grant, which will no doubt be the seed that will allow my academic career to flourish. The quality and the dedication of the EAST senior members who participated in this program cannot be understated, and we all owe them a tremendous debt of gratitude!” “INVEST-C is designed to propel a budding research idea from the concept stage to the implementation and dissemination phase as rapidly as possible. Using concepts from Silicon Valley and implementation science, such as hackathons and rapid transformation, we intend to shorten the time from research idea to widespread dissemination. By doing this, we aim to improve the health of the acutely ill and injured patients that we care for every day.” JASON W. SMITH, MD, PHD, FACS, UNIVERSITY OF LOUISVILLE, ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR, CHIEF OF GENERAL SURGERY DEPARTMENT OF SURGERY, DEPARTMENT OF PHYSIOLOGY EAST INVEST-C PROGRAM DIRECTOR STEPHANIE BONNE, MD, FACS, NEW JERSEY MEDICAL SCHOOL DEPARTMENT OF SURGERY, DIVISION OF TRAUMA AND SURGICAL CRITICAL CARE 2017 EAST INVEST-C PROGRAM PARTICIPANT BEN L. ZARZAUR, MD, MPH, FACS, INDIANA UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR OF SURGERY, DEPARTMENT OF SURGERY EAST INVEST-C PROGRAM DIRECTOR