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EAST news 2016 Issue 12 EAST Mission Statement EAST is a scientific organization providing lead- ership and development for young surgeons active in the care of the injured patient through interdisciplinary collaboration scholarship and fellowship. EAST Vision Statement EAST seeks to improve care of the injured by provid- ing a forum for the exchange of knowledge in the prac- tice of trauma surgery to promote trauma prevention research and improved trauma systems design to encourage investigation and teaching of the methods of preventing and treating trauma and to stimulate future generations of sur- geons to meet the challenge. 2015 was a year that saw significant change for EAST. We lost sev- eral of our most strident supporters who will be sorely missed. The re-organized board structure we implemented a year ago has con- tinued to evolve and has allowed the organization to function more efficiently and to continue to focus on EASTs main mission paying it forward to the young trauma surgeon our patients and our com- munity through our five Strategic Goals Leadership Development Scholarship Fellowship and Collaboration. The section assignments for 2016 are completed based on the Call for Volunteers request that went out in the fall. Eleanor Roosevelt said The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams EASTs future is so very bright with the energy and untapped creativity of our mem- bership. All EAST members are encouraged to complete the call for volunteers when it comes out again this fall. Member involvement and engagement is one of the things that makes EAST special. To paraphrase John F. Kennedy ask not what just what EAST can do for you ask what you can do for EAST. In closing I am truly honored to serve as the 30th President of the Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma EAST. My main mission as President is to continue to carry out the vision of EASTs Founding Members. The leadership of EAST is now filled with people who have grown up in and with the organization. I am confident that we will continue to grow and evolve as an organization without sacrificing the essence of EAST. To accomplish this my call to arms for the membership this year is to Pay it Forward to our organiza- tion our specialty our families our patients our partners ourselves and our communities. 2016 is going to be a great year for advancing science fostering relationships and building careers. Nicole A. Stassen MD FACS FCCM EAST President Message from the President continued from page 1 Few will have the greatness to bend history itself but each of us can work to change a small portion of events and in the total of all those acts will be written the history of this generation. Robert F. Kennedy