EAST Storycasts

This series of audio interviews addresses important events, discoveries and people in trauma and emergency surgery. These stories are our history. Always surprising and often humorous, they come from the giants on whose shoulders we stand.

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Podcasts Currently Available

EAST Storycast logo History from EAST Founding Member Dr. Lenworth Jacobs - EAST Storycast 07
Date recorded 11/17/2017

Dr. Lenworth Jacobs, one of the founding members of EAST and first program chair, shares the story of EAST, the Hartford Consensus, and development of the ATOM course.
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EAST Storycast logo Deployment - Dr. John Holcomb's Story - EAST Storycast 06
Recorded 10/23/2019

Dr. John Holcomb shares the story of his time deployed with JSOC in Magadishu, Somalia, in 1993, and his deployment in Baghdad, Iraq, in 2003, and his experience with transfusions and trauma teams. 
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EAST Storycast logo The Mattox Meeting - EAST Storycast 05

Dr. Mattox tells the story of the longest running 'show' on the Vegas Strip-The Mattox Meeting.

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EAST Storycast logo The EAST Tie - EAST Storycast 04

EAST Founding Member, Dr. Kimball Maull, tells the story of the original EAST Tie (yep, there was one) and when ties abruptly disappeared from EAST meeting attire.

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EAST Storycast logo Early Trauma System Development with Dr. Brent Eastman - EAST Storycast 03

Dr. Brent Eastman tells the stories of early trauma system development, his experience as President of the American College of Surgeons and his Scudder Oration.

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EAST Storycast logo The Mattox Manuever - EAST Storycast 02

Dr. Kenneth Mattox tells a little about himself and the story of the Mattox Maneuver.

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EAST Storycast logo Introducing EAST Storycasts - EAST Storycast

An introduction to EAST Storycasts and interview with Dr. Kimball Maull on the founding of EAST.

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EAST Storycast logo The Founding of EAST with Dr. Kimball Maull - EAST Storycast 01

Founding Member Dr. Kimball Maull tells the story of EAST's founding, the early meetings and what it meant to be an EAST kid.

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