Research Related Surveys

Policies on Solicitation of the EAST Membership for Research Related Purposes:

  • As approved during the Fall 2020 EAST Board of Directors Meeting, the EAST Research-Scholarship Committee will no longer review requests to survey the members of EAST for research related purposes from individual members or nonmembers.
  • Special circumstance requests for surveys that have a high utility to the broad research community and are in alignment with the EAST Exempt Purpose, Mission, and Strategic Goals will be considered and reviewed by the EAST Research-Scholarship Committee.  These surveys will only be considered if being submitted by an EAST Committee or Task Force.

To submit a special circumstance request to survey the EAST membership please complete the following:

1. The online Research Related Survey Request Form below.

Research Related Survey Request Form

2. Email a brief synopsis of the purpose, methodology, anticipated results, and a copy of the survey tool to

3. Provide documentation of submission for review and decisions regarding approval or exemption of the study by the investigator’s home institution IRB (if available and appropriate).

5. Complete the EAST Research Related Surveys - Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form. Surveys that are submitted without completion of the Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form WILL NOT be reviewed.

After all documents are submitted the project will then be reviewed by the Research-Scholarship Committee to determine if suitability for dissemination to the membership.  Only surveys that have a high utility to the broad research community and are in alignment with the EAST Exempt Purpose, Mission, and Strategic Goals will be considered.

Considering EAST is no longer reviewing individual requests to survey the EAST membership, if you are looking to survey a membership for research related purposes, if appropriate, some additional organizations that you may want to consider submitting your survey to are as follows:

For further information, please contact the EAST administrative office at or by phone at 312-202-5616.