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The Ins, Outs and Importance of Late Career Mentoring - Careercast #42
In this EAST Careercast sponsored by the EAST Mentoring Committee, Dr. Douglas Schuerer discusses senior mentoring with Glen Tinkoff MD, FACS, FCCM. Dr. Tinkoff is the Division and System Chief of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery at University Hospitals in Cleveland. He has been a leader at EAST for some time and many know of his tireless efforts for injury prevention. This Careercast covers a wide range of topics centered around mentoring at the later portion of your career. The discussion inclues the challenges and opportunities of mentoring physicians at a much earlier point of their career, mentoring and being mentored through significant upper level position changes and how to recognize (or help others recognize) when a career should be safely winding down. Also, ways to best allow others in your institution to have internal promotion opportunities are discussed. Although the topic was senior mentoring, this discussion will help providers at all phases of their career as they seek out mentors and mentees in their own environment.