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Military Surgeon Experience - Part II - The Army National Guard with Dr. Joshua Corsa - #50
In part two of the EAST Military Committee supported Careercast, Military Committee Co-Chair, Dr. Stephanie Streit (Major, USAF) talks with Dr. Joshua Corsa, a private practice trauma surgeon and member of the Florida National Guard. Dr. Corsa was also a resident in house during the Orlando Pulse Nightclub shooting. Dr. Corsa discusses his experience as a medic on the enlisted side of the Army prior to medical school as well as why he chose to go back in to the service as a trauma surgeon. Additionally, he shares what his recent deployement with an Army Reserve surgical team, the 1st deployment of its kind for a National Gaurd Surgeon was like.
The views expressed here are those of Dr. Streit and Dr. Corsa and do not necessarily represent those of the DOD, the DHA, the USAF or US Army.