Hurley Medical Center, 2 Trauma Fellowships: Surgery Fellowship and Research Fellowship
Affiliated with Michigan State University — Flint, MI
- Trauma only
- Critical Care only
- Trauma & Critical Care
- Acute Care Surgery
- Advanced Practitioner
- Duration: 1 year
- Positions available: 2
- Salary: 2025-2026 Research fellow: $54,917, plus 38 benefit days off & paid holidays; 2026-2027 Surgery fellow: $64,780, plus 39 benefit days off & paid holidays
- Program Director: Gul Raj Sachwani-Daswani DO FACOS
Last updated: February 05, 2025

Two fellowships are offered by Hurley Medical Center and Michigan State University College of Human Medicine. As the only Level 1 Trauma Center and Level II Pediatric Trauma Center in Genesee, Lapeer and Shiawassee counties – and as Michigan’s northernmost facility – Hurley’s Trauma Center treats about 1,700 patients per year from across the state. As a teaching hospital, fellows gain academic leadership skills that can prepare them for the next step in their careers.
1-YEAR TRAUMA RESEARCH FELLOWSHIP (July 1 - June 30) Next opening: 2025
This fellowship is useful for physicians who want to gain experience in designing and implementing research studies, as well as publishing and presenting findings in scientific journals or at professional conferences. The candidate must have completed medical school and/or completed a residency training program but does not need to have prior surgical experience, as the focus is on academic skills, such as research, teaching, medical students, and residents, and improving quality of care. Skills are transferable to any physician specialty. Faculty appointments are available from MSU-CHM. 2025-2026 RESEARCH FELLOW SALARY: $54,917, plus 24 vacation days, 4 personal days, 4 wellness/interview days, 6 sick days, paid holidays.
1-YEAR TRAUMA SURGERY FELLOWSHIP (Aug. 1 through July 31) Next opening: 2026
This fellowship is useful for those who have completed a surgical residency and who want to take their skills to the next level. It is designed to train surgeons in the care of the critically ill and injured surgical patient, as well as to develop competence in system organization. The fellow also can develop academic skills by becoming an Advanced Trauma Life Support Instructor; training resident physicians, medical students, physician assistants and nurse practitioners; and by participating in ongoing research and performance-improvement projects. The candidate must have successfully completed Steps 1, 2, and 3 of the USMLE (or COMLEX 1, 2 and 3). 2026-2027 TRAUMA SURGERY FELLOW SALARY: $64,789, plus 24 vacation days, 5 personal days, 4 wellness/interview days, 6 sick days, paid holidays. The surgery fellow also receives $2000 for book/computer reimbursement related to education, as well as an $800 meal card to use inside the hospital.
STRENGTHS: The facility, caseload, multidisciplinary team, and academic skill-development are program strengths.
FACILITY: Hurley Medical Center is a Level 1 Trauma Center (and Level II Pediatric Trauma Center), verified by the American College of Surgeons, with dedicated trauma facilities and state-of-the-art technology. The 443-bed tertiary-care public hospital serves as the primary training site for the Fellowship and is the care referral site for mid- and northeastern Michigan, with a catchment area of more than 1 million people.
Within the institution are an 18-bed dedicated multidisciplinary Neuro/Trauma Surgical Intensive Care Unit, and a 13-bed Pediatric Intensive Care Unit for surgical critical care patients. Annually, about 1,700 are admitted to the trauma service with more than 350 transfers from more than 38 counties in Michigan.
CASELOAD: With a large geographical region and with access to exclusive diagnostic tools, the Trauma Service caseload is broad and extensive. About 20% of the 1,700 annual trauma admissions are penetrating injuries, with more than 150 major trauma operations per year. Management of blunt trauma and burn care also are part of the caseload.
MULTIDISCIPLINARY TEAM: The multidisciplinary Trauma Critical Care Service is staffed by board-certified surgical intensivists who provide supervision and educational opportunities for the Trauma Fellow in this major regional trauma center. The Fellow, in turn, is supported by rotating third- and fourth-year surgical residents and a full complement of trauma physician assistants. The Fellow will gain exposure to a variety of discipline, thanks to:
- In-house, 24-hour board-certified attending trauma surgeons
- 24-hour coverage: Neurosurgery, Orthopedic, Plastic, Vascular, ENT, Maxillofacial surgery
- In-house Anesthesiologist available 24 hours
- Region's only Pediatric Intensive Care Unit
- Region's only Burn Center
- In-house Credentialed Adult/Pediatric Brain Rehab
- 24-hour coverage for interventional radiology
- Dedicated Neuro/Trauma SICU
Program started 2013
How to apply - (810) 262-9355 (phone) , (810) 262-6341 (fax)
Qualifications: For the surgery fellowship position, qualified candidates must have successfully completed a surgical residency program AND USMLE Steps 1, 2 and 3 (or COMLEX 1, 2 and 3).
For the research fellowship position, qualified candidates must have successfully completed a residency program in any discipline and/or medical school.
All candidates must provide 3 excellent letters of recommendation, and explain his or her reasons for applying for the fellowship (in the letter of interest), in addition to providing a curriculum vitae with accurate documentation of prior training. International medical graduates also must have an ECFMG certificate.
Candidates should download the fellowship application from the Trauma Fellowship website:
Send the application to Dr. Sachwani's attention:
Att: Gul Raj Sachwani-Daswani DO
Director, Trauma Fellowship
Hurley Medical Center
One Hurley Plaza
7B Trauma Services Dept
Flint MI 48503-5993
Include the following in your packet:
- Hurley Trauma Fellowship Application
- Passport-size photo (2x2 inches)
- Letter of Interest
- Curriculum Vitae
- 3 letters of recommendation
- ECFMG certificate (if applicable)
Research opportunities
THE TRAUMA SURGERY FELLOW is provided the opportunity to become an Advanced Trauma Life Support Instructor and attend the annual Detroit Trauma Symposium. Since the institution houses many health educational programs, the Fellow also has a chance to develop teaching skills by presenting information to resident physicians, medical students, physician assistants and nurse practitioners. The fellow is expected to complete at least one trauma research paper with a faculty mentor, as well as present at local and state research forums. The Fellow also may take part in comprehensive quality assurance and improvement programs, as well as community education and injury-prevention programs. NOTE: It's not necessary to complete the Trauma Research Fellowship before entering the Trauma Surgery Fellowship.
THE TRAUMA RESEARCH FELLOW is provided not only clinical research opportunities but also academic skill development to increase teaching, research and performance-improvement competencies. The Fellow is expected to develop and present curriculum modules to resident physicians, medical students, physician assistants, nurse practitioners and peers. The fellow also functions independently in research in community or interdisciplinary team settings, and represents the institution locally, regionally, nationally or internationally. The Fellow leads original research studies and performance improvement projects and is expected to submit manuscripts for publications and to present research findings at professional conferences. (Note: It is not necessary to complete the “Trauma Surgery Fellowship” prior to entering the “Trauma Research Fellowship.”)
About the hospital
- Beds: 457
- ICU beds: 25
- Annual ED visits: 77800
- Annual trauma admissions: 1700
- Trauma faculty: 6
Fellowship procedures
- Total surgical (annually): 2000
- General surgical: 50%
- Trauma: 60%
- Blunt trauma: 68%
- Penetrating trauma: 20%
1 Hurley PLZ
Flint, MI 48503
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