Dr. Joshua Brown
Thank you to Dr. Joshua Brown for supporting the EAST Development Fund!

Donor Story
I joined EAST very early on. I was introduced to EAST as a medical student at the Annual Scientific Assembly through some fantastic mentors, and I readily joined as a provisional member while completing my internship.
As a resident, a big part of what EAST means to me is mentorship. I have had the opportunity to take part in the EAST Mentoring Program, which has made me feel very welcome in EAST and makes the Annual Scientific Assembly a yearly highlight that I look forward to.
EAST provides a number of tangible benefits and opportunities. One great example is the Practice Management Guidelines that take a tremendous amount of effort and are freely available to anyone visiting the EAST website. I listen to the Traumacasts and Careercasts on my way to work. I have also had the opportunity to join the Social Media Committee, so I have seen first-hand the focus on members' needs by EAST’s leadership.
Because of all of this, it only makes sense for me to give back, even while on a resident’s salary, and support the scholarships, mentorships, and science that I have taken advantage of and hope to continue to take advantage of throughout my career.
To learn more about Joshua Brown, MD, MSc and connect, please visit the EAST Member Directory from your EAST member profile.
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