Dr. Aaron Jensen
Recipient of the 2017 EAST Multicenter Trial Junior Investigator Award

The EAST Multicenter Trial Junior Investigator Award provided support and a platform for collaborative research that allowed me to build connections with thought leaders across many other institutions and has led to many additional collaborative projects. The pilot data and published manuscript from our multicenter trial has been valuable in subsequent funding applications, but the most valuable aspect of the project was the experience I gained in running a multicenter trial. The experience afforded by the Multicenter Trial Junior Investigator Award has propelled my career into the realm of multicenter partnerships and funded national collaborative quality improvement initiatives for injured children.
Multicenter Collaboration for Simulation-Based Team Training in Pediatric Trauma Resuscitation: Assessment of Baseline Variability in Team Performance
The EAST Multicenter Trial Junior Investigator Award is funded through contributions to the EAST Development Fund. To learn more about this award, click here.
To hear from other recipients who have benefited from contributions to the EAST Development Fund, visit the Scholarship & Award Recipients page.
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