Dr. Caroline Park
2022 EAST INVEST-C Program Participant

You are in a boardroom but instead of execs in suits you are surrounded by leading trauma surgeon-scientists who have figured out the key to research success.
You are hand-picked to polish the edges of your proposal so that it has its best chance for funding. It’s like a boot-camp, and you want to retain every valuable second.
The EAST INVEST-C Research Hackathon is an absolute gem of a program. I’ve learned how to think as a surgeon-scientist and how to design a practical study and deliver. I cannot thank EAST enough for this opportunity.
The EAST INVEST-C program is funded through contributions to the EAST Development Fund. To learn more about this program, click here.
To hear from other recipients who have benefited from contributions to the EAST Development Fund, visit the Scholarship & Award Recipients page.
Help continue to support the work of deserving recipients working to change the future of trauma care by donating today.