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Infections and use of antibiotics in patients admitted for severe acute pancreatitis: data from the EPIC II study.
De Waele JJ, Rello J, Anzueto A, Moreno R, Lipman J, Sakr Y, Pickkers P, Leone M, Ferguson A, Oud L, Vincent JL; EPIC II Investigators.
Surg Infect (Larchmt). 2014 Aug;15(4):394-8.

Rationale for inclusion: EPIC II data on Abx for sterile pancreatitis.

Citations  - To review the number of citations for this landmark paper, visit Google Scholar.

Strategies to prevent surgical site infections in acute care hospitals: 2014 update.
Anderson DJ, Podgorny K, BerrĂ­os-Torres SI, Bratzler DW, Dellinger EP, Greene L, Nyquist AC, Saiman L, Yokoe DS, Maragakis LL, Kaye KS.
Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 2014 Jun;35(6):605-27.

Rationale for inclusion: Contemporary guidelines for the prevention of SSIs: a highly-sited article.

Citations  - To review the number of citations for this landmark paper, visit Google Scholar.

Duration of antibiotic therapy for critically ill patients with bloodstream infections: A retrospective cohort study.
Havey TC, Fowler RA, Pinto R, Elligsen M, Daneman N.
Can J Infect Dis Med Microbiol. 2013 Fall;24(3):129-37.

Rationale for inclusion: Solid article on length of treatment following bacteremia.

Citations  - To review the number of citations for this landmark paper, visit Google Scholar.

Procalcitonin usefulness for the initiation of antibiotic treatment in intensive care unit patients.
Layios N, Lambermont B, Canivet JL, Morimont P, Preiser JC, Garweg C, Ledoux D, Frippiat F, Piret S, Giot JB, Wiesen P, Meuris C, Massion P, Leonard P, Nys M, Lancellotti P, Chapelle JP, Damas P.
Crit Care Med. 2012 Aug;40(8):2304-9.

Rationale for inclusion: Landmark article describing the use of Procalcitonin and determination for need of antibiotics in the critical care setting.

Citations  - To review the number of citations for this landmark paper, visit Google Scholar.

2007 Guideline for Isolation Precautions: Preventing Transmission of Infectious Agents in Health Care Settings.
Siegel JD, Rhinehart E, Jackson M, Chiarello L; Health Care Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee.
Am J Infect Control. 2007 Dec;35(10 Suppl 2):S65-164.

Rationale for inclusion: This article is the basis for today's broadly accepted Isolation Precautions.

Citations  - To review the number of citations for this landmark paper, visit Google Scholar.

Necrotizing soft tissue infections. Risk factors for mortality and strategies for management.
Elliott DC, Kufera JA, Myers RA.
Ann Surg. 1996 Nov;224(5):672-83.

Rationale for inclusion: Highly-sited landmark article on treatment stratagies for necrotizing soft tissue infections.

Citations  - To review the number of citations for this landmark paper, visit Google Scholar.

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