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COVID-19 Part 01 - Care of the Surgical Patient - #131
Join Drs. Matt Martin, Carrie Valdez and Red Hoffman as they speak with EAST President Dr. A. Britton Christmas about the management of surgical patients during the COVID-19 pandemic. They discuss the latest American College of Surgeons guidelines for Emergency General Surgery, safety in the operating room regarding airway management and laparoscopic procedures as well as thoughts on tracheostomies, chest tubes and ED thoracotomies. Links below for more information!
-EM physician Dr. Yale Tung Chen chronicles his COVID diagnosis and provides daily ultrasound updates on his Twitter account @yaletung
-Minimally invasive surgery and the novel coronavirus outbreak: lessons learned in China and Italy. Epub ahead of print available.
-EAST COVID-19 Resources and Information. This is meant to be a clearinghouse of information and protocols from various societies and institutions throughout the world.
-Surviving Sepsis Campaign: Guidelines on the Management of Critically Ill Adults with Coronavirus Disease 2019 (published March 2020) is available
-Department of Defense COVID-19 Practice Management Guidelines
-COVID-19 App - Developed by Dr. Kari Jerge - Download the App -
View webpage -
-Visit the Vital Talk website to help guide you in difficult conversations with your patients regarding COVID-19
-CAPC (Center to Advance Palliative Care) is offering a free COVID toolkit, including symptom management tips that will help you with your primary palliative care skills
-Dr. Nick Mark's OnePager guide to the care of critically ill patients with COVID. Join us early next week for Part 2 of the COVID series- Nick will be one of our guests!