
Practical Points for Advancing Your Professional Career.

Welcome to the EAST Careercasts.  The Careercasts are a series of audio interviews with leaders in the field designed to provide you with practical information regarding career development, leadership and career challenges.

Have an idea for a Careercast? Submit a proposal. 

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Podcasts Currently Available

EAST Careercast logo Hear from the 2023 EAST Oriens Award Recipients - #70
The EAST Oriens Award is a resident and fellow essay competition celebrating the passions that drive us to choose a career in Trauma and Acute Care Surgery.  In this podcast, Dr. Hassan Mashbari talks with the 2023 Oriens Award Recipients, Dr. Julia R. Coleman (Fellow recipient) and Dr. Colin Whitmore (Resident recipient), as they share their  essays and discuss what has led them to a career in Trauma and Acute Care Surgery.

Supplemental Material
EAST Oriens Award information and past award recipients and essays.
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EAST Careercast logo The Acute Care Surgeon - Updated - An Interview with Dr. L.D. Britt - Careercast #44

This EAST Careercast brings back Dr. L.D. Britt for a discussion about "Acute Care Surgery." In a follow-up to one of the first Careercasts (Careercast #3) recorded in 2014, Dr. Leichtle interviews Dr. Britt about the current state of our specialty, its most important challenges, and future directions. Among many other things, listeners will learn why the Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery should consider a name change, how surgical rescue might become a new pillar of Acute Care Surgery, and what the future holds for training and board certification.

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EAST Careercast logo A Military Acute Care Surgeon - An Interview with Dr. Donald Jenkins - Careercast #6

Interviewed by Dr. Stephanie Montgomery, Dr. Donald Jenkins discusses Acute Care Surgery and a Military Career.

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