Practical Points for Advancing Your Professional Career.
Welcome to the EAST Careercasts. The Careercasts are a series of audio interviews with leaders in the field designed to provide you with practical information regarding career development, leadership and career challenges.
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Getting Your Clinical Research Off the Ground - An Interview with Dr. Ben L. Zarzaur - Careercast #14
- 06/18/2015
Listen and learn how to get your clinical research off the ground from Dr. Ben Zarzaur interviewed by Dr. Jamie Coleman.
"I am fortunate to count Dr. Ben Zarzaur as one of my mentors. One of the greatest impacts he has had on my career is teaching me about "research." His approach - from project design to the writing of abstracts and manuscripts - is so organized, that the amount of time and effort I now need to complete a project has been greatly reduced. I hope this talk and his advice help all of you as much as it has helped me." - Jamie Jones Coleman, MD
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Multi-Center Trials The Hows and Whys - An Interview with Dr. Joseph DuBose - Careercast #13
- 05/13/2015
Interviewed by Dr. Jamie Coleman, Dr. Joseph DuBose discusses the "Hows and Whys of Multicenter Trials."
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Producing High Quality and Publishable Research - Dr. Ernest "Gene" Moore - Careercast #12
- 04/29/2015
An interview with Dr. Ernest "Gene" Moore, a giant in the field of trauma and the current Editor in Chief of the Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Sugery. Dr. Moore takes us behind the scenes of a major academic journal, and provides advice and insights on starting an academic career and producing high quality and publishable research. He then discusses how to become more active with scientific journals by serving as a peer-reviewer and what it takes to join the Editorial Board. The interview concludes with Dr. Moore's thoughts and experience on the relatively unique career path of becoming the Editor in Chief of a major journal.
Supplementary materials
View the online CME activity "So You Want to Publish in the Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery (JOT)? Tips and Tricks for Academic Success in Trauma and Acute Care Surgery" given by Dr. Juan Duchesne.This interview is a combined effort between EAST's Online Education Section and Career Development Section. The interview has been posted on the EAST Traumacast and Careercast pages.
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