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Duration of Foley Catheterization after Bladder Repair and Nonoperative Management of Extraperitoneal Bladder Rupture2022

Type: New Evidence Based Review (EBR)
Category: Trauma
Committee Liaison: Rachel D. Appelbaum, MD

Team leader(s)

There is surprisingly little in the existing literature, and particularly in the past 5-10 years regarding the duration of foley catheterization after urinary bladder repair in trauma, or in nonoperative management of extraperitoneal rupture. Individual practices appear to be highly variable in the absence of specific guidance. The risks associated with prolonged catheterization are well-described. There are also psychosocial effects on patients that are real, although somewhat more challenging to measure. Any efforts toward an evidence-based approach to catheter duration that limits unnecessary time with the foley in place would be likely to yield measurable effects in reducing iatrogenic infection rates.

Team Members:
• Patrick Lee
• Rachel Morris
• Husayn Ladhani
• Sabrina Goddard
• Morgan Crigger
• Ally Hynes
• Melissa Hornor

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