John M. Templeton, Jr., MD Injury Prevention Research Scholarship

John M. Templeton Jr., MD (1940-2015)

This scholarship is made possible through the generous donation of long time EAST member, the late, John (Jack) M. Templeton, Jr., MD.  Dr. Templeton’s vision was to help support a young investigator perform an interventional trial in the field of injury prevention.  Learn more About John (Jack) M. Templeton, Jr., MD.

Scholarship Information

The 2025 scholarship deadline for receipt of Letters of Intent was May 13, 2024. Following receipt of the Letters of Intent, the Research-Scholarship Committee, along with the Chair of the Injury Control & Violence Prevention Committee and Research Division Chair will judge applicants on the basis of the merit of their proposal and the potential of the applicant of future contributions to the field of injury prevention.  The top-ranked Letters of Intent will be invited to submit full proposals by July 31, 2024.  The Research-Scholarship Committee, along with the Chair of the Injury Control & Violence Prevention Committee and Research Division Chair will review full proposals in September 2024 and select the final awardee. 

For official rules and regulations for this scholarship please refer here

After the scholarship cycle concludes the recipient will be expected to provide an up to date use of funds from their institution’s accounting department.  At this time the recipient/institution will be asked to either a) submit a request for a non-financial extension (no cost extension) for one additional year or b) return any unused funds back to the Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma (EAST).

Applicants do not have to be physicians and may be enrolled in graduate medical education.  The amount of the award is $10,000 for one (1) year only.  

Note:  All Letter of Intent submissions will be blinded prior to being reviewed and scored.  Applicants should not include names, institutions, or identifying information within their actual proposal submission provided that they should remain anonymous.

Letters of Intent (closed)

Past Recipients


Ashley Y. Williams, MD, FACS

Project Inspire: Curbing Gun Violence through Youth Empowerment


Leah C. Tatebe, MD, FACS

The Language of Violence: Do Words Matter More Than We Think?


Elinore Kaufman, MD, MSHP

The Impact of Peer Mentorship and Service Navigation on Recovery from Violent Injury


Melike N. Harfouche, MD
Developing a Patient-Informed Psychotherapy Model for Violently Injured Young Black Men


Brett Tracy, MD

Shared Engagement, Recovery and Violence Elimination (SERVE): Development of a Trauma-Informed Violence Intervention Mobile App


Kathleen O'Neill, MD

The Impact of Individual-Level Targeted Interventions on the Mental Health of Victims of Violence


Stephanie Bonne, MD, FACS

Prospective Cohort Investigation of Intermediate Health Outcomes following Enrollment in a Hospital Based Violence Intervention Program


Teresa Maria Bell, PhD

Assessment of a Quality of Life Monitoring Intervention to Reduce Retaliation and Recidivism in Participants of a Hospital-Based Violence Intervention Program


Kathleen Boyer, RN & Chaz Molins, LCSW

Measuring the Efficacy of Violence Prevention using Hospital-based Resuscitation Re-enactment: YOLO (You Only Live Once)


Tiffany Overton, MA, MPH, CPH, CCRP

Screening for Distracted Drivers: Developing a 'Technology Behavior Identification Risk Assessment Tool' (TechBIRT)


Stephanie R. Goldberg, MD

Prevention of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorders in Violently Injured Youth


James D. Stowe, MS, PhD

Crash Injury Prevention: A Randomized Trial of Transitioning High-Risk Elders from Driving


Karen Lommel, DO, MHA, MS
Blazing New Trails in Injury Prevention: An Interactive ATV Safety Education Program

2011      Lisa C. Allee, LICSW
Evaluating three methods to encourage mentally competent older adults to assess their driving skills
2010 James Forrest Calland, MD
Evaluation of Peer Counselors, Community Resources, and Video Interventions in Preventing Trauma Recidivism

Michel Aboutanos, MD
Bridging the Gap: A Youth Violence Reduction Project