
Data Collection Tools

Please explore your institutional research resources as they may already have a Data Collection Tool, or a subscription to REDCap.



The determination for authorship is complex, especially in multicenter studies which requires thoughtful oversight and assurance. As such the following resources are available:

  1. International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE):
  2. COPE:


  1. How 2 Stats
  2. How2statsbook
    1. To obtain links to the PDF chapters please click here and download the Table of Contents.


  1. Consent Interview with Dr. Wright conducted by Dr. Cull


Consent Interview Questions & Time Stamp

Dr. Wright what is the relevance of informed consent in health care and human research? 25 sec

 When is informed consent necessary? 2 min 6 sec 

 When can informed consent be waived? 4 min 56 sec

Can prospective databases be collected without informed consent if there is not a research question in mind.  Does the necessity to obtain informed consent change if a particular research project is planned? 7 min 3 sec

 Do different IRBs have different requirements for investigators for consent? 9 min 30 sec

 How do you deal with ethical approval through different IRBs? 11 min 25 sec

 Is it important to share the IRB comments with potential collaborators? 13 min 2 sec

Who can consent patients for a study? 14 min 2 sec

 How do you save the consent? Do you have to have a hard copy or can it be saved electronically? 16 min 50 sec

How do you save consents across institutions? 17 min 46 sec

What is a data use agreement?  Why is it necessary for multicenter trials? 18 min 11 sec

How do you obtain a data sharing agreement with another institution? 20 min 4 sec

Tips on How to Develop, Run, and Publish your MCT

  1. EAST Minute - Multicenter Trials Pearls and Pitfalls
  2. A Guide on Organizing a Multicenter Clinical Trial: the WRIST study group by Kevin C. Chung, MD, MS, Jae W. Song, MD, and WRIST study group
  3. Challenges Associated with Multi-institutional Multi-site Clinical Trial Collaborations: Lessons from a Diabetes Self-Management Interventions Study in Primary Care by Samuel N Forjuoh, Janet W Helduser, Jane N Bolin and Marcia G Ory

  4. Conducting multicenter research in healthcare simulation: Lessons learned from the INSPIRE network by Adam Cheng, David Kessler, Ralph Mackinnon, Todd P. Chang, Vinay M. Nadkarni, Elizabeth A. Hunt, Jordan Duval-Arnould, Yiqun Lin, Martin Pusic and Marc Auerbach


EAST strives to collaborate with both The American Association for the Surgery of Trauma (AAST) Multi-Institutional Trials Committee and Western Trauma Association (WTA) Multicenter Trials Committee.  Links to both of these respective organizations can be see below: