
Audio interviews addressing upcoming research and its application to the injured, critically ill or emergency general surgery patient, education efforts related to the clinical practice of acute care surgery, novel methods in the management of these patients and  topics affecting providers and clinical care within the field.

We want to hear your thoughts and reflections on the content produced by the Educational Resources Committee (e.g., the EAST Traumacasts and the EAST In the Arena podcast).  Send us your feedback.  

Thank you to Haemonetics for supporting the EAST Traumacast!

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Podcasts Currently Available

EAST Traumacast logo Global Surgery and the EAST Global Surgery Ad Hoc Taskforce- an EAST Traumacast and Careercast Mashup - #170

Join Drs. Prerna Ladha, Hassan Mashbari and Lauren Dudas and learn about Global Surgery from Drs. Mike Mallah, Chris Dodgion, Katie Iverson and the EAST Global Surgery Ad Hoc Task Force.  What does Global Surgery  even mean? How can you get involved, who is out there practicing internationally or can you practice Global Surgery domestically?  

Supplemental Material:
♦Incision (International Student Surgical Network) -
♦GSSA (Global Surgery Student Alliance) -
♦American College of Surgeons Resident and Associate Society Global Surgery Workgroup ( form to self nominate
♦AAGS (Association of Academic Global Surgery) - - opportunities for faculty, resident and student involvement in committees.

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EAST Traumacast logo Trauma Informed Care: More Than Just Being A Good Physician - #166
Join Dr. Tatiana Cardenas host Drs. Leah Tatebe and Rochelle Dicker to discuss trauma informed care.  Learn about what it is, how it affects patients, curriculum you can soon bring to your institution and why it is so important it will be part of ATLS 11!

Supplemental Material:
Dicker RA, Thomas A, Bulger EM, Stewart RM, Bonne S, Dechert TA, Smith R, Love-Craighead A, Dreier F, Kotagal M, Kozyckyj T, Michaels H; ISAVE Workgroup; Members of the ISAVE Workgroup. Strategies for Trauma Centers to Address the Root Causes of Violence: Recommendations from the Improving Social Determinants to Attenuate Violence (ISAVE) Workgroup of the American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma. J Am Coll Surg. 2021 Sep;233(3):471-478.e1. doi: 10.1016/j.jamcollsurg.2021.06.016. Epub 2021 Jul 30. PMID: 34339811.

 Sakran JV, Bornstein SS, Dicker R, Rivara FP, Campbell BT, Cunningham RM, Betz M, Hargarten S, Williams A, Horwitz JM, Nehra D, Burstin H, Sheehan K, Dreier FL, James T, Sathya C, Armstrong JH, Rowhani-Rahbar A, Charles S, Goldberg A, Lee LK, Stewart RM, Kerby JD, Turner PL, Bulger EM. Proceedings from the Second Medical Summit on Firearm Injury Prevention, 2022: Creating a Sustainable Healthcare Coalition to Advance a Multidisciplinary Public Health Approach. J Am Coll Surg. 2023 Jun 1;236(6):1242-1260. doi: 10.1097/XCS.0000000000000662. Epub 2023 Mar 6. PMID: 36877809.

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EAST Traumacast logo EAST 2022 Scholarship Recipients - #161

Join Dr. Lauren Dudas as she interviews some of 2022 EAST award & scholarship cipients: the John M Templeton, Jr., MD Injury Prevention Research Scholarship - Dr. Elinore Kaufman, the EAST MCT Junior Investigator Award – Dr. Asanthi Ratnasekera, the Trauma Research Scholarship – Dr. Stephanie Polites.  Hear their EAST stories, what they are using their award money to work on and insight into being surgical scientists. 

Supplemental Material: Scholarships & Awards - The Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma

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EAST Traumacast logo Rural Emergency General Surgery - #156

Created in coordination with the EAST Rural Trauma Committee. Drs. Lauren Dudas and Michal Radomski discuss Emergency General Surgery (EGS) with rural providers Dr. Nicholas Bandy, Dr. Kristin Colling & Dr. Keelin Roche.  Listen to hear about rural practice models, procedures important to become comfortable with as rural providers, a bit about organizing an EGS service, and considerations for pursuing a career in rural surgery.

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EAST Traumacast logo How the Sausage is Made: A View Into Health Policy and Surgeon Activism - #143
Dr. Simon Fitzgerald, Dr. Lauren Dudas and Dr. Carrie Valdez discuss how things work on “the hill” with Dr. Joseph Sakran.  Hear an overview of how to transform an idea into policy or just how to get more involved.  Additionally, Dr. Sakran briefly reviews his year as a 2019-2020 RWJ Foundation Health Policy Fellow and how he lives his life to fulfill “purpose over position.”

Supplemental Information:
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Health Policy Fellows

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EAST Traumacast logo Life as a Military Surgeon - #123

Join us for an in depth look at life as a military surgeon.  How did they get involved? What motivates them to re-enlist? How do they prepare for combat surgery? Drs. Ben Miller, Pam Choi and Matt Martin (as a guest!) share their experiences.  

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EAST Traumacast logo Advanced Practitioners Training Programs - Podcast #83

Crossover episode!  Just like the time the Fonz was on Mork and Mindy, this episode brings the moderators of EAST's Traumacast, Dr. Dave Morris and Careercasts, Dr. Brad Dennis (we'll let you decide who is Mork and who is the Fonz) together. The topic is the training programs available for Adavanced Practitioners: the types of programs available, how the terms "residency" and "fellowship" are used, and what to look for in a reputable program. Guests Jon Messing and Aaron Pugh both run successful Advanced Practitioners training fellowships and are actively involved in developing these programs nationally. Both provide interesting insights into this aspect of trauma provider education.

Websites referenced:
Association of Post Graduate APRN Programs
Association of Physician Assistant Programs
American Nurses Credentialing Center
National Nurse Practitioner Residency & Fellowship Training Consortium
EAST Fellowship Listings/Advanced Practitioners 

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EAST Traumacast logo An Insider’s Guide to the Journal of Trauma, Academic Productivity, and How to Participate - Podcast #41 - EP

An interview with Dr. Ernest "Gene" Moore, a giant in the field of trauma and former Editor in Chief of the Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery. Dr. Moore takes us behind the scenes of a major academic journal, and provides advice and insights on starting an academic career and producing high quality and publishable research. He then discusses how to become more active with scientific journals by serving as a peer-reviewer and what it takes to join the Editorial Board. The interview concludes with Dr. Moore's thoughts and experience on the relatively unique career path of becoming the Editor in Chief of a major journal.

Supplementary materials
View the online CME activity "So You Want to Publish in the Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery (JOT)? Tips and Tricks for Academic Success in Trauma and Acute Care Surgery" given by Dr. Juan Duchesne.

This interview is a combined effort between EAST's Online Education Section and Career Development Section. The interview has been posted on the EAST Traumacast and Careercast pages.

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EAST Traumacast logo Starting A Trauma_Center - Podcast #29

A brief discussion of political and financial issues faced when The Trauma Center at Penn opened in 1988. Many of the same issues are still faced by trauma directors in new trauma centers. 

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EAST Traumacast logo Training in Trauma Surgery - Podcast #18

A discussion comparing the ATLS, ASSET, and ATOM courses and the future role of simulation in trauma surgery training

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EAST Traumacast logo Getting a Trauma Fellowship and Job - Podcast #16

Discussion with Dr. Joe Sakran on getting into a trauma fellowship and securing a job

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EAST Traumacast logo Acute Care Surgery and Training Tomorrow's Trauma Surgeon - Podcast #7

A discussion of the current status of the acute care surgery training program, why it is needed, and how to attract future surgeons to this field. Dr. Britt also discusses some the skill sets that the ACS surgeon will need/have, board certification for this field, and integration of this new subspecialty into the surgical community. 

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