
Audio interviews addressing upcoming research and its application to the injured patient, education efforts related to trauma, and novel methods in the management of injury.

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Podcasts Currently Available

EAST Traumacast logo Management of Diverticulitis Across Settings and Specialties - 175

Join Drs. Mohammed Bawazeer and Jaswin Sawhney as they talk with guests Drs. Joseph Sakran and Jason Hall. They discuss the acute and elective management of diverticulitis including such topics as antibiotics, the role of laparoscopic lavage, indications for surgery in the acute and elective settings, management of colovesical fistula and the role of acute care surgeons and colorectal surgeons in the management of this disease process.

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EAST Traumacast logo 37th EAST Annual Scientific Assembly Compilation #2 - #172
Join Drs. Liz Dauer, Tatiana Cardenas, Samantha Tarras, Mohammed Bawazeer, and Melissa Warta as they interview speakers from the 37th EAST Annual Scientific Assembly including incoming EAST President Dr. Ben Zarzaur, in addition to Drs. Amy Goldberg, Jennifer Brewer, Simin Golestani, Nicole Tapia, Marcelo Robiero, Tara van Veen, Kendra Black, and Melike Harfouche.  Also included are medical students Rachel Cary and Cox-Templeton Award winner Grace Keegan. 

Supplemental Material:  EAST Awards and Scholarship Opportunities
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EAST Traumacast logo 37th EAST Annual Scientific Assembly Compilation Part 1 - #171

Join Drs. Liz Dauer, Tatiana Cardenas, Samantha Tarras, Mohammed Bawazeer, and Melissa Warta as they interview speakers from the 37th EAST Annual Scientific Assembly including outgoing EAST President Dr. Jason Smith, in addition to Drs. TJ Schaid, Amanda Witte, Lauren Gallagher, Sneha Bhat, Caleb Butts, Rachel Choron, Julia Coleman, Bishwajit Bhattacharya, George Kasotakis, Susan Kartiko, and Melissa Boltz.  Also hear from Annika Kay PA-C and Colleen Trevino NP.

Supplemental Material:  EAST Awards and Scholarship Opportunities

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EAST Traumacast logo Discussion from Both Sides of the Drape: Intraoperative Resuscitation of the Trauma Patient - #169

Join Drs. Tatiana Cardenas, Zaffer Qasim and Jacob Edwards as they talk with guests Drs. Marissa Mery and Jeremy Cannon.  They discuss trauma resuscitation through the continuum of the trauma bay to OR with perspectives of emergency medicine, surgery and anesthesia providers.  Topics include permissive hypotension, use of pressors, massive transfusion practices, cell saver usage, additional anesthesia trauma training and more!

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EAST Traumacast logo ABC vs CAB and what is xABC?: Hemorrhagic Shock - ED vs OR Intubation? - #167
Join Drs. Tatiana Cardenas, Liz Dauer and Zaffer Qasim chat with Drs. Paula Ferrada and Sharven Taghavi about ED vs OR intubation in patients with hemorrhagic shock.  They address  ABC vs CAB, the physiology of intubation of patients in shock and reconsidering the dogma.  

Supplemental Material:  Ferrada P, Dissanaike S. Circulation First for the Rapidly Bleeding Trauma Patient-It Is Time to Reconsider the ABCs of Trauma Care. JAMA Surg. 2023 May 17. doi: 10.1001/jamasurg.2022.8436. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 37195675.

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EAST Traumacast logo Less is More - Discussing the EAST MCT: Outcomes Among Trauma Patients with Duodenal Leak Following Primary vs. Complex Repair of Duodenal Injuries - #163

Join Drs. Jeremy Levin, Michal Radomski and Lauren Dudas discuss the results of the EAST MCT with PI Rachel Choron.  Hear about management options of duodenal injuries, why they can be so clinically challenging and a bit about spearheading an EAST multicenter trial.  Abstract was presented at the 36th EAST Annual Scientific Assembly.  Look for the publication soon! – “Outcomes Among Trauma Patients with Duodenal Leak Following Primary vs. Complex Repair of Duodenal Injuries: An EAST Multicenter Trial”

Supplemental Material: Check out the abstract from the 36th EAST Annual Scientific Assembly

Interested in getting involved in an EAST MCT? - EAST Multicenter Trials - The Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma


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EAST Traumacast logo Pelvic Trauma: What Tools are in Your Toolbox? - #159

Join Drs. Shyam Murali and Lauren Dudas with guest host Dr. Megan Quintana discuss pelvic hemorrhage control with experts Drs. Tatiana Cardenas and Joe DuBose.  Hear about the different options for hemorrhage control in patients with pelvic fractures so you can maximize patient management at your institution.  They also discuss pitfalls, complications and special populations. 

Supplemental Material:
DuBose JJ, Burlew CC, Joseph B, Keville M, Harfouche M, Morrison J, Fox CJ, Mooney J, O'Toole R, Slobogean G, Marchand LS, Demetriades D, Werner NL, Benjamin E, Costantini T. Pelvic fracture-related hypotension: A review of contemporary adjuncts for hemorrhage control.
Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery: October 2021 - Volume 91 - Issue 4 - p e93-e103
doi: 10.1097/TA.0000000000003331. PMID: 34238857.

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EAST Traumacast logo Selective Aortic Arch Perfusion-The Next Best Thing for Trauma Resuscitation? What is it and when can we implement it?? - #158

Join Drs. Brandon Parker, Megan Quintana and Lauren Dudas chat with Jonny Morrison and Jim Manning about SAAP: selective aortic arch perfusion.  What is it, how is it superior to existing resuscitation methods, who would benefit, how close is it to utilization and more!

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EAST Traumacast logo Resuscitative Thoracotomy: Who? When? Why? To What End? - #155
Dr. Jeremy Levin and Dr. Megan Quintana discuss Resuscitative Thoracotomy (RT) with Dr. Ronnie Mubang and Dr. Adam Nelson.  They dive into patient selection, application of ultrasound, different institutions’ criteria, the clamshell, and some less tangible benefits of RT besides survival.  Additionally, hear their opinion about select patient scenarios and special populations.  And ALWAYS wear your PPE!

Supplemental material:
Joseph B, Khan M, Jehan F, Latifi R, Rhee P. Improving survival after an emergency resuscitative thoracotomy: a 5-year review of the Trauma Quality Improvement Program.
Trauma Surg Acute Care Open. 2018 Oct 9;3(1):e000201. doi: 10.1136/tsaco-2018-000201. PMID: 30402559; PMCID: PMC6203136. 

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EAST Traumacast logo Morel-Lavallee lesions – They’re difficult to pronounce and even more challenging to treat! - #142

Join Drs. Simon Fitzgerald, Lauren Dudas and Carrie Valdez as they discuss the Mayo Clinic practice management guideline with Dr. Martin Zielinski and Dr. Henry Schiller.  We review their trauma group’s practice pattern and how their management has continued to progress since their paper was published. 

Supplemental Information:
Nickerson TP, Zielinski MD, Jenkins DH, Schiller HJ. The Mayo Clinic experience with Morel-Lavallée lesions: establishment of a practice management guideline. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2014 Feb;76(2):493-7. doi: 10.1097/TA.0000000000000111. PMID: 24458056.

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EAST Traumacast logo Vascular Trauma - Part 2 - #137

Welcome back Dr. David Skarupa to the EAST Traumacast. Drs. Carrie Valdez, Aditi Kapil and Lucy Ruangvoravat dig deeper into complex vascular cases. David addresses additional considerations in the ICU and answers questions raised after his last appearance on Traumacast! 

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EAST Traumacast logo Vascular Trauma - #136

Welcome Dr. David Skarupa to an EAST Traumacast on Vascular Trauma!  Dr. Carrie Valdez, Dr. Red Hoffman, and Dr. Firas Madbak pick Dr. Skarupa's brain on upper and lower extremity trauma, how to find the aorta and IVC - and can you REALLY ligate them?! - and what do we do for anticoagulation or antiplatelet therapy! 

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EAST Traumacast logo All About Hemothorax: Does Chest Tube Size Matter? - #127

Join us as we discuss how percutaneous techniques have changed the contemporary management of hemothorax. How did percutaneous (pigtail) thoracostomy come about? Are conventional large bore tubes safer or better? How do you approach undrained hemothorax? Dr. Peter Rhee and Dr. Narong Kulvatunyou challenge current dogma as they answer all these questions and more in this timely traumacast. Dr. Firas Madbak and Dr. Matt Martin comoderate.

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EAST Traumacast logo Traumatic Flank Hernias - The Scan Shows What?! - #121

In this EAST Traumacast, Dr. Firas Madbak interviews Dr. Ben Zarzaur and Dr. Alfredo Carbonell about these rare and challenging hernias. Join us for an in-depth discussion covering optimal timing, repair approaches and management priorities.

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EAST Traumacast logo Highlights from the 2019 Chest Wall Injury Summit - #120

This Traumacast contains highlights from the recent Chest Wall Injury Summit held March 28-30, 2019.  If you have an interest in chest wall injury or chest wall stabilization surgery you will probably enjoy this episode.   

Click here for more information about the Chest Wall Injury Society (CWIS).

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EAST Traumacast logo The Pancreas is Kinda Like a Crawfish - #119

Drs. Carrie Valdez and Dave Morris interview our colleague across the pond- Dr. Mansoor Khan! We review management of penetrating injuries to the upper abdomen, how the pancreas is like a crawfish and finish up with some thoughts on when to call for help.

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EAST Traumacast logo Contemporary Management of Esophageal Trauma - #102

Esophageal perforation is a critical and potentially life-threatening event with considerable morbidity and mortality. The management tends to be controversial and it requires a thoughtful and individualized approach. Dr. J. David Richardson and Dr. Roxie Albrecht join us for an in depth discussion of challenging esophageal injuries including areas of debate such as the management of injuries recognized late, the preferred methods of surgical repair and buttress as well as the role of exclusion and cervical esophagostomy for diversion.

Western Trauma Association Critical Decisions in Trauma: Diagnosis and management of esophageal injuries J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2015 Dec;79(6):1089-95. PMID:26680145

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EAST Traumacast logo Complex_Abdominal_Wall_Hernia_Repair - Podcast #31

A discussion with Dr. Khashayar Vaziri regarding repair of complex abdominal wall hernia, use of mesh, and placement techniques.

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EAST Traumacast logo Vasopressin Following Hemorrhagic Shock - Podcast #30

A discussion with Dr. Carrie Sims regarding her research into vasopressin deficiency following hemorrhage and its potential role in resuscitation.

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EAST Traumacast logo Starting A Trauma_Center - Podcast #29

A brief discussion of political and financial issues faced when The Trauma Center at Penn opened in 1988. Many of the same issues are still faced by trauma directors in new trauma centers. 

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EAST Traumacast logo Blunt Splenic Injury - Podcast #27

A discussion regarding the management of blunt splenic injury with reference to the EAST Practice Management Guideline on this topic.

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EAST Traumacast logo Hypertonic Saline Prehospital - Podcast #25

A discussion with Dr. Eileen Bulger regarding her two trials evaluating the role of hypertonic saline in the pre-hospital setting.

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EAST Traumacast logo Helicopter Transport and Mortality after Trauma - Podcast #23

A discussion regarding Dr. Haider's study which showed the transportation by helicopter following trauma improves survival.

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