
Audio interviews addressing upcoming research and its application to the injured, critically ill or emergency general surgery patient, education efforts related to the clinical practice of acute care surgery, novel methods in the management of these patients and  topics affecting providers and clinical care within the field.

We want to hear your thoughts and reflections on the content produced by the Educational Resources Committee (e.g., the EAST Traumacasts and the EAST In the Arena podcast).  Send us your feedback.  

Thank you to Haemonetics for supporting the EAST Traumacast!

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Podcasts Currently Available

EAST Traumacast logo Trauma Informed Care: More Than Just Being A Good Physician - #166
Join Dr. Tatiana Cardenas host Drs. Leah Tatebe and Rochelle Dicker to discuss trauma informed care.  Learn about what it is, how it affects patients, curriculum you can soon bring to your institution and why it is so important it will be part of ATLS 11!

Supplemental Material:
Dicker RA, Thomas A, Bulger EM, Stewart RM, Bonne S, Dechert TA, Smith R, Love-Craighead A, Dreier F, Kotagal M, Kozyckyj T, Michaels H; ISAVE Workgroup; Members of the ISAVE Workgroup. Strategies for Trauma Centers to Address the Root Causes of Violence: Recommendations from the Improving Social Determinants to Attenuate Violence (ISAVE) Workgroup of the American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma. J Am Coll Surg. 2021 Sep;233(3):471-478.e1. doi: 10.1016/j.jamcollsurg.2021.06.016. Epub 2021 Jul 30. PMID: 34339811.

 Sakran JV, Bornstein SS, Dicker R, Rivara FP, Campbell BT, Cunningham RM, Betz M, Hargarten S, Williams A, Horwitz JM, Nehra D, Burstin H, Sheehan K, Dreier FL, James T, Sathya C, Armstrong JH, Rowhani-Rahbar A, Charles S, Goldberg A, Lee LK, Stewart RM, Kerby JD, Turner PL, Bulger EM. Proceedings from the Second Medical Summit on Firearm Injury Prevention, 2022: Creating a Sustainable Healthcare Coalition to Advance a Multidisciplinary Public Health Approach. J Am Coll Surg. 2023 Jun 1;236(6):1242-1260. doi: 10.1097/XCS.0000000000000662. Epub 2023 Mar 6. PMID: 36877809.

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EAST Traumacast logo Fostering Community Partnerships: A Discussion about Injury Control and Violence Prevention Programs - #165

Join Dr. Lauren Dudas with guest moderator Dr. Hillary Prince of the EAST Injury Control and Violence Prevention Committee discuss ICVP programs with national leaders.  Listen to Injury prevention coordinators Courtney Edwards, DNP, MPH and Mary R. Lauby as well as Jill Braselton, RN, BSN with ThinkFirst National Injury Prevention Foundation discuss their role in violence and injury prevention, creating community partnerships, advocacy and education.  We discuss the importance of a comprehensive prevention plan, trauma surgeon involvement and navigating all this with sparse financial resources.

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EAST Traumacast logo American Trauma Society - Trauma Survivors Network - #130

Dr. Melissa Red Hoffman interviews Dr. Anna Newcomb and Dr. Chris Michetti from Inova Fairfax Hospital, current and past presidents of the American Trauma Society, as well as two trauma survivors, John and Richard.  Their stories are inspiring; their work is awesome.  Links below for more information!

Trauma Survivors Network
American Trauma Society

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EAST Traumacast logo Bringing Stop the Bleed into Your Neighborhoods - #117

Introducing our first Traumacast guest moderator, Aditi Kapil! Join Drs. Kapil and Valdez as they interview Dr. LJ Punch, a trauma surgeon who brought the Stop the BleedSM campaign into the highest risk neighborhoods of St. Louis.

Stop the BleedSM St. Louis

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EAST Traumacast logo Elderly Falls Prevention - Podcast #85

"Have we changed the PS 50 (probability of survival) for the elderly trauma patient?"  Dr. Robert Barraco quotes one of his mentors, Dr. Carl Valenziano, in this episode about the topic of elderly falls prevention.  Joining Dr. Barraco in this episode is Dr. Marie Crandall, lead author of the EAST EBR "Prevention of fall-related injuries in the elderly."  Traumacast moderators Drs. Kevin Pei and David Morris discuss many aspects of elderly falls prevention and the larger topic of geriatric medicine as it pertains to modern trauma care with Drs. Barraco and Crandall.

Resources and Relevant Websites
EAST EBR - Prevention of fall-related injuries in the elderly
CDC - STEADI (Stop Elderly Accidents, Deaths, & Injury)
Stepping On
Cochrane - Interventions for preventing falls in older people living in the community
Cochrane - Population-based programs for the prevention of fall related injuries in older people
American Association for the Surgery of Trauma Geriatric Trauma Committee
American College of Surgeons - Optimal Perioperative Care of the Geriatric Patient
American Geriatrics Society

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