Audio interviews addressing upcoming research and its application to the injured patient, education efforts related to trauma, and novel methods in the management of injury.
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- Selective Aortic Arch Perfusion-The Next Best Thing for Trauma Resuscitation? What is it and when can we implement it?? - #158
- 06/23/2022
Join Drs. Brandon Parker, Megan Quintana and Lauren Dudas chat with Jonny Morrison and Jim Manning about SAAP: selective aortic arch perfusion. What is it, how is it superior to existing resuscitation methods, who would benefit, how close is it to utilization and more!
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- Preventing Preshospital Death: An International Discussion - #145
- 06/29/2021
- Guest moderator Dr. Brandon Parker joins Dr. Lauren Dudas to discuss strategies to prevent prehospital death – from the Florida program “Survive the Ride” to the Australia prehospital triage algorithm and some physiology in-between! Guest speakers: Patricia Byers, MD, Kelsey Ensor, MD, Ben Meadley, PhD and Paul Pepe, MD.
Supplemental Material:
Survive The Ride Essenstial ECG – Gordon Center ( - Listen Download
- EAST October 2016 Literature Review: Needle Decompression of Tension Pneumothorax - Podcast #75
- 02/06/2017
In this episode of EAST Traumacast, we discuss the paper "Cadaveric comparison of the optimal site for needle decompression of tension pneumothorax by prehospital care providers" with author Dr. Dan Grabo and EAST reviewer Dr. Travis Polk. The discussion highlights the changing dogma about needle decompression location -- you just might be convinced to change the way you use this technique!
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- EAST Town Hall Debate: Hartford Consensus Conference vs. TECC: What is the Right Approach for the Active Shooter Epidemic? - Podcast #51 - EP
- 01/04/2016
This podcast is from the second EAST Town Hall Debate session, where two panels of experts discuss and compare the Hartford Consensus Conference guidelines and the Emergency Tactical Casualty Care recommendations and program for improving outcomes from active shooter and other intentional mass casualty events. The debate is moderated by Dr. Andrew Bernard.
Pro Hartford Consensus Conference
Alexander Eastman, MD
Eric Campion, MDPro Tactical Emergency Casualty Care
Babak Sarani, MD
E. Reed Smith, MD
Gene Reilly, MDSupplemental Materials
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- Active Shooter Events, Training, and the Hartford Consensus Conference - Podcast #43 - EP
- 06/22/2015
An interview with Dr. Alexander Eastman, the Trauma Medical Director at Parkland Memorial Hospital and a current law enforcement officer with the Dallas Police Department, and Dr. Imad Haque, an active duty Army surgeon and the Director of Simulation Training at Madigan Army Medical Center. These two nationally recognized experts discuss what to expect in active shooter scenarios, how to respond, and most importantly how to prepare yourself and your facility through the use of realistic and well-planned simulation training. The interview concludes with a discussion of the rationale and recommendations from the Hartford Consensus Conferences.
Supplementary Materials:
Active shooter slide presentation from Dr. Eastman
DHS Active Shooter Pocket Card
Hartford Consensus Conference 1
Hartford Consensus Conference 2- Listen Download
- Hypertonic Saline Prehospital - Podcast #25
- 12/29/2012
A discussion with Dr. Eileen Bulger regarding her two trials evaluating the role of hypertonic saline in the pre-hospital setting.
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- Helicopter Transport and Mortality after Trauma - Podcast #23
- 08/30/2012
A discussion regarding Dr. Haider's study which showed the transportation by helicopter following trauma improves survival.
- Listen Download
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